Earn BNB's
Earning BNB's from $LEOTOKEN is very simple, you just buy and hold $LEOTOKEN.
Simply buying and holding will earn you BNB rewards daily. This will come from the BNB reward pool that is contributed by 6% sales proceeds. All you have to do is claim them daily using LEO Connect.
You will have to wait for a specific duration called cycle (about 1 day) to collect your BNB reward. In this waiting duration, if you continue to add more than 3% (threshHoldTopUpRate) of your $LEOTOKEN balance, the waiting duration will proportionally add up to the cycle.
For example, on the first few hours of your cycle, you add up 5% more $LEOTOKEN, you have to wait: 5%* 24 Hours = 1.2 hours more. That means you can collect BNB after 24 + 1.2 = 25.2 hours.
Similarly if you add more than 100%, the waiting duration will add up to 2 days.
For example, on the first day of your cycle, you add up more 100% $LEOTOKEN, you have to wait: 100% * 24 hours = 24 Hours more. That means you can collect BNB after 24 hours +24 hours = 2 days.
This will prevent anyone gaming the system who try to add more $LEOTOKEN at the end of each cycle.
Note: Selling $LEOTOKEN does not affect your cycle
Last updated
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